
Hi all, this is just a placeholder for my recent presentation at Geecon 2019. This is an upgraded version of the previous speech at IMWorld/Bucharest.

Please check my previous blog post to access the full descriptions of the demonstration. Enjoy!

Are you using an opensource library? There’s a good chance you are vulnerable…

This is the talk I presented yesterday at Codemotion Rome 2018! Awesome conference and people, cannot wait for the next one!

You can find a detailed technical explanation in my previous blog post, and you can also have access to the code on GitHub to reproduce the exploit yourself.

Do not underestimate your problem, and put the correct procedure in place: you do not want to be the next Equifax.


CAP Theorem@Codemotion 2016, Milan

I just come back from Codemotion Milan, and it was great! Apparently a lot of people liked my presentation, someone told me that they really understood, for the first time, the CAP theorem. Which is absolutely great!

Thanks for everybody who attended, you were a fantastic bunch and I feel absolutely grateful and privileged for being there!

I am looking forward to the next tech meeting or conference!

Ah, the code is on GitHub but please keep in mind that this is basically the result of a four days spike, so it’s not particularly good. But I promise I will refactor it 🙂

The recording (in Italian) is available on youtube thanks to Codemotion.


JUG Torino September’s meeting!

JUG Torino logoSeptember’s meeting of Java User Group Torino will take place on 21h with this schedule:

  • 18.30: Check-in!
  • 18.45: Quickie: “What about Hudson? by Bruno Bossola (JUG Torino)
  • 19.00: Seminar: “GWT, a Web2.0 toolkit! by GianCarlo Pace (JUG Milano)
  • 20.00: EOF (as usual, maybe having a VeryBigPizza all together!)

You may find more info about the event here.

Jazoon 07

Here we are! Live at Jazoon07!

Jazoon Logo!

Quite impressive stuff! I found it to be a professional conference, as expected, and it was possibe to meet many interesting people, Neal Gafter among the others (nice pictue of Neal on JUG Milano website, where he’s managing large amounts of swiss food! )

Here I summarize my impressions, given that I completely agree about what Filippo and Roman already wrote


  • large amount of speeches to choose from. every day
  • many PC and printers available to public
  • free traveling ticket for public transport was a great idea
  • free Toblerone was beautiful 🙂 (but please, don’t wait the very last day to release it!!!)


  • notepad and pen missing from welcome bag
  • bad conference map, with speeches’ abstract collapsed in four lines, the first four (men, you asked as for five pages! So what?)
  • no java-champions BOF (but this was also our fault 😦 )
  • official jazoon blog is not very up-to-date

Anyway, I definitely recommend this conference!

And yes, my speech went very well :), you may also take a look at a more complete report on JUG Torino website (unfortunately, it was written in Italian)

JavaPolis 2YK6

JavaPolis 2006

JavaPolis is at the end, the last session is running now and people are leaving the site. What an event! I met a bunch of people I would never imagine to met, like Kirk Pepperdine, David Booth, Bruno Souza, many evangeist from Sun and many, many more!

I had my speech this morning, and all went well… yeah, it was great! A big room, crowded of interested and, strangely, awake people! (it was 9.30 in the morning :-D)

Me at JavaPolis!

So…. what more can I say? So much fun, everithing was almost perfect, nice food (and note, I’m an italian guy :D), better if you plan to come next year!!! More will come, now I must leave to come back… see you soon!

Speaking in Prague at CZJUG

On 23th I was speaker at CZJUG in Prague with Filippo, presenting the talk I’m gonna expose at JavaPolis in December
Jiri Fabian, Roman Pichlik, Filippo Diotalevi, Bruno Bossola, and Roman Strobl

It was a great JUG meeting and also a nice test for myself 🙂 I feared about my little knowing of english tongue, anyway all went on well and I’m satisfacted about my performance. Also Prague is such a beautiful city, and I enjoyed it very much: I discovered a charming beer, Kozel, a dark beer very tasty!

Thanks to Roman Strobl and CZJUG you may also take a look at the video of this speech here!